*Is "Cumberland" the name of this local church?
First Cumberand Presbyterian Church in Lubbock is part of a network of churches also known at the "Cumberland Presbyterian Church" with denominational headquarters in Cordova, Tennessee (just outside Memphis). The name comes from the Cumberland River area in Tennesee, where this denomination originated in 1810.
*Is First Cumberland Presbyterian Church affiliated with other Presbyterian Bodies?
First Cumberland Presbyterian of Lubbock, is not affilitated with the Presbyterian Church (USA), Presbyterian Church of America or other Presbyterian bodies. We do consider them sister Presbyterian denominations and share in joint ministries.
*We have visited, but you have not celebrated the Lord's Supper. Do you do that?
Our tradition has been to celebrate communion on the first Sunday of each month.
*Why do we stand for the reading of the Gospel?
We normally sit during the readings of the Old Testament and the Epistles. We sit because we are listening and learning...it's the same during the sermon. As soon as the Gospel is brought out to be read however, those who are able to stand do so at attention. We stand because we consider ourselves to be entering into conversation with Jesus who speaks to us as brothers and sisters who share with Him in the Kingdom of God. We are drawn into His life through His words and deeds in the Gospel. By standing we bear witness to the victory of Christ, and by standing we testify to our confidence and sure hope that His victory is ours as well. Hallelujah!
*Why Do We Change the Sanctuary Colors?
Colors and Symbols have long been part of the Christian tradition, to aid in our journey throughout the year, and those years which shape our spiritual walk. Colors are representative of seasons within the Christian Calendar and remind us to reflect upon said season. ADVENT: Is the season of the preparation for Christmas and is marked by the color purple symbolizing royalty and soverignty of Christ. CHRISTMAS: Is the season of celebrating Christ's birth into the world and his in-breaking into our lives. Christmas is marked by the color white to symbolize purity. ORDINARY TIME: The Christian calendar includes special seasons such as Advent, Christimas, and Easter. At the same time, the Calendar also includes time for growth. Ordinary time sets the church apart from 'special' seasons. This season is marked by the color green. LENT: Is the season that prepares us for Easter. Lent is a time of reflection and repentance. The color purple is used for Lent, which in the Lenten Season represents a time of mourning. EASTER: The Resurrection Season is that time where we celebrate Jesus Christ rising from the dead. Resurrection gives us hope, that death does not have the final say! The color for Easter is white. PENTECOST: Pentecost is the season of God's Spirit falling upon the early believers of Jesus Christ. This season is marked by the color red, to represent the Holy Spirit and Fire.
*What is Worship Like at First Cumberland Presbyterian Church?
Sunday school classes occur at 9:30. Coffee fellowship is available between Sunday School and worship from 10:30-11:00. A nursery is provided during worship.
Our 11:00 worship service is in our sanctuary and includes hymns accompanied by our organ, with our choir bringing an anthem and choral responses. This service includes Bible-based responsive readings and the Lord's prayer prayed in unison. We are known as a 'Liturgical Church' meaning, our services are planned with the leadership of the Holy Spirit and invite the congregation to be invovled in worship. "Liturgy" literally means, "the work of the people". We celebrate the Lord’s Supper on the first Sunday of each month. We believe in an 'Open Table' at FCPC. We hope you will join us in worship this Sunday!
For more information click on this button: Worship
*I'm a Presbyterian so I am used to a "Confession of Faith." Do you you have a unique Confession of Faith or do you use the same one as other Presbyterian Churches?
The Cumberland Presbyterian Church Confession of faith is unique and can be acesssed on line at www.cumberland.org/gao/confession/confess.htm.